Every church needs a healthy worship leader leading a vibrant worship ministry. But often those roles go those whose talents outshine their character or their passion far exceeds their skill.
And there's also the problem that there just aren't enough qualified people to fill the need in our local churches.
But it doesn't have to be that way. THE WORSHIP MINISTRY BLUEPRINT is a resource that helps you build and maintain a THRIVING worship ministry from the ground up.
Caleb Holgerson
Creator of Worship Leader Coaching and Author of "House Music" and "Becoming a Worship Pastor"
"I met Jimmy just before he started Hey Worship Leader. I knew immediately he was someone I could glean from. He's not someone who just comes up with ideas he thinks will work; he's a practitioner! A real worship pastor at a real church with real volunteers and real members. Just like you and me. He's spent years sharpening his craft and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. This course is the culmination of that experience!"